These AppleScript droplets will add or remove DOS style file name extensions respectively. If a folder is dropped onto one of the utilities, it will recursively search the contents of the folder, and the contents of any folders contained in it, changing the name of all the files along the way. I find them useful when removing ".txt" from downloaded files. They annoy me. They remind me of DOS. Flame. Flame. Flame. Not that I don't like DOS machines, I just like Macs better. : )
Jon's commands osax - available where fine osaxen are sold
Files to add or remove extensions from
Version History:
1.0 This is all you get.
2.0 due in early September '04. It is written entirely in meta language and works only in pure concept. Conventional computers will be obsolete and therefore a file-name extension changer will have no meaning. The shareware cost will reflect that.
Contacting the Author:
Please do not hesitate to send me mail because I am a loser and need mail. A mere letter could make my entire existence worthwhile.
Internet e-mail address
I take absolutely positively no responsibility if these mess up your stuff in any way. These have been tested on my machine on my important data.
Small Print:
These fine products are not sold in stores. They are distributed as FreeWare. If you like them, use them. If you don't, don't. If you want to sell them, don't. If you are going to distribute them in any form, please get my permission. I'll probably let you do it for a candy bar. They comprise a total of one morning's work and won't sell for dirt anyway. It has taken me longer to write this darn documentation than to write the utilities themselves.
Really Small Print:
Various products mentioned here are trademarked by their respective companies, etc.